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A generated crud controller contains a method named getConfiguration. This methods returns a instance of App\Core\Crud\CrudConfiguration.


setPageTitle(string $page, string $title)

Set the title of the given page.

Example of usage in a CRUD template: <title>{{ configuration.pageTitle('index') }}</title>.


setPageRoute(string $page, string $route)

Set the route of the given page. By default, pages are: index, edit, new, show. You can create a custom page for a custom controller.

Example of usage in a CRUD template: <a href="{{ path(configuration.pageRoute('new')) }}">...</a>.


setForm(string $context, string $form,array$options = [])

Set the form used in the given context.


setFormOptions(string $context,array$options = [])

Defines options given to a form.


setAction(string $page, string $action, bool|callable $enabled)

Set if an action is enabled or not in the given page. Take a look at core/Resources/views/admin/crud/*.html.twig for more information. Depending the context, the callable could receive the entity in parameter. Example:

->setAction('index', 'edit', function(EntityInterface $entity) {
    return $entity->getUser()->getId() === $this->getUser()->getId();

Usage in a CRUD template: {% if configuration.action('index', 'new')%}...{% endif %}.


setActionTitle(string $page, string $action, string $title)

Set the title of an action in the given page.

Example of usage in a CRUD template: {{ configuration.actionTitle(context, 'new', 'New')|trans }}


setView(string $context, string $view)

Override a view.

Controller (context) View Description
index @Core/admin/crud/index.html.twig Template of the page index
edit @Core/admin/crud/edit.html.twig Template of the page edit
new @Core/admin/crud/new.html.twig Template of the page new
show @Core/admin/crud/show.html.twig Template of the page show
filter @Core/admin/crud/filter.html.twig Template of the page filter
Form (context) View Description
form @Core/admin/crud/_form.html.twig Template to render a form
form_widget @Core/admin/crud/_form_widget.html.twig Template to render a form widget
form_translations @Core/admin/crud/_form_translations.html.twig Template to render a the translation field
Entity (context) View Description
show_entity @Core/admin/crud/_show.html.twig Template to render the entity


setViewDatas(string $context,array$datas) and addViewData(string $context, string $name, $value)

Add datas given to a view. Useful in a custom controller.


setField(string $context, string $label, string $field,array$options)

Add a field displayed in the given context. Used in the index.

use App\Core\Crud\Field;

$configuration->setField('index', 'Title', Field\TextField::class, [
    // options

All fields have these options:

Option Type Default Description
property string null Entity's property to display
property__builder callable null A callable data and used to generate the content displayed
view string @Core/admin/crud/field/text.html.twig The templated rendered
default_value string null Default value to display when the property is null
action string null An action to perform on click (null, edit, view)
raw boolean false Render as HTML
sort array | callable null Defines how to sort
href string | callable null Data to generate a link
href_attr array | callable null Attributes of the link
inline_form null | callable null A method to define a form to edit datas
inline_form_validation null | callable null A method to define a custom form validation callback
Example #0
$configuration->setField('index', 'My field', TextField::class, [
    'property' => 'myProperty',
    // OR
    'property_builder' => function($entity, array $options) {
        return $entity->getMyProperty();
Example #1
$configuration->setField('index', 'My field', TextField::class, [
    'raw' => true,
    'property_builder' => function($entity, array $options) {
        return sprintf('<span class="foo">%s</span>', $entity->getBar());
Example #2
$configuration->setField('index', 'My field', TextField::class, [
    'property' => 'myProperty'
    'sort' => ['property', '.myProperty'],
    // OR
    'sort' => ['property', function(MyEntityRepositoryQuery $query, $direction) {
        $query->orderBy('.myProperty', $direction);
Example #3
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank;

$configuration->setField('index', 'My field', TextField::class, [
    'property' => 'myProperty',
    'inline_form' => function(FormBuilderInterface $builder, EntityInterface $entity) {
        $builder->add('myProperty', TextType::class, [
            'required' => true,
            'constraints' => [new NotBlank()],



Option Type Default Description
view string @Core/admin/crud/field/text.html.twig The templated rendered



Option Type Default Description
view string @Core/admin/crud/field/date.html.twig The templated rendered
format string Y-m-d The date format



Option Type Default Description
view string @Core/admin/crud/field/date.html.twig The templated rendered
format string Y-m-d H:i:s The date format



Option Type Default Description
view string @Core/admin/crud/field/button.html.twig The templated rendered
button_attr array [] Button HTML attributes
button_attr_builder callabled null A callable data and used to generate button__attr
button_tag string button HTML tag of the button



Option Type Default Description
view string @Core/admin/crud/field/image.html.twig The templated rendered
image_attr array [] Image HTML attributes



Option Type Default Description
view string @Core/admin/crud/field/boolean.html.twig The templated rendered
display string toggle Type of render (toggle or checkbox)
checkbox_class_when_true string fa-check-square HTML class added when the value is true and display is checkbox
checkbox_class_when_false string fa-square HTML class added when the value is false and display is checkbox
toggle_class_when_true string bg-success HTML class added when the value is true and display is toggle
toggle_class_when_false string bg-secondary HTML class added when the value is false and display is toggle


setMaxPerPage(string $page, int $max)

Set how many elements are displayed in a single page.


setI18n(array $locales, string $defaultLocale)

Set an array of locales for a translatable entity. The default locale is used in the index page. Compatible with


setDefaultSort(string $context, string $label, string $direction = 'asc')

Set the default sort applied in the repository query.

    ->setDefaultSort('index', 'title', 'asc')
    ->setField('index', 'Title', Field\TextField::class, [
        'property' => 'title',
        'sort' => ['title', '.title'],


setIsSortableCollection(string $page, bool $isSortableCollection)

It enables the drag & drop to sort entities.

class MyEntity implements EntityInterface
    // ...

     * @ORM\Column(type="integer", nullable=true)
    private $sortOrder;

    public function getSortOrder(): ?int
        return $this->sortOrder;

    public function setSortOrder(?int $sortOrder): self
        $this->sortOrder = $sortOrder;

        return $this;

    // ...


setSortableCollectionProperty(string $sortableCollectionProperty)

In order to sort entities, the default property used is sortOrder. You can set something else.


setBatchAction(string $context, string $action, string $label, callable $callack)

Add a batch action. The callback has 2 arguments:

  • An instance of App\Core\Entity\EntityInterface
  • An instance of App\Core\Manager\EntityManager
use App\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;
use App\Core\Manager\EntityManager;

    function(EntityInterface $entity, EntityManager $manager) {


setGlobalBatchAction(string $context, string $action, string $label, callable $callack)

Add a global batch action. The callback has 3 arguments:

  • An instance of App\Core\Repository\RepositoryQuery
  • An instance of App\Core\Manager\EntityManager
  • An array of selected entities or a null value

Do not use the same action in global and classic batch action.

The callback can return a response. If not, the user will be redirect automatically. See the example below:

use App\Core\Entity\RepositoryQuery;
use App\Core\Manager\EntityManager;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;

    'Export to JSON',
    function(RepositoryQuery $query, EntityManager $manager, ?array $selection): JsonResponse {
        $items = $selection ?? $query->find();

        return $this->json($items);